
    Emily Spiers recorded "The Half-Moon Lovers" at Fox Music Studios in 2010    Back

Wolfgang is a super talented producer to work with on any project, but our traditional Irish and English music demanded a little more flexibility in terms of recording. 

We were working with guest musicians who had flown in for the weekend from Ireland and England to record and Wolfgang was always patient, considerate and generous in looking after us all superbly. 

His mixture of technical skill and musical know-how means that he is the ideal musician’s producer. It was important to us to retain an organic, live feel on the CD and Wolfgang was able to deliver just what we wanted, knowing when to intervene and advise us in order to get the right results, and knowing when to step back and let us have our way! 

He is also, personally, a great man to work with: dedicated, determined, precise, skilfull and diplomatic. A brilliant combination, and it’s always lots of fun in the studio too! 

We miss him already!

Emily Spiers 2010  (English singer - "Blue" and solo)

Emily Spiers
Gallery of Emily Spiers -
"Half-Moon Lovers Session"

Visit: Fox Music Records Partners: Fox Music Publishing Produced by: Impressum  © 2011 FMC